Homelessness Services in South Western Sydney

The Women's Housing Company operates Homelessness Support Services in South Western Sydney, funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice under the Specialist Homelessness Services (SHS) program.
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We deliver two specific SHS programs:

South Western Sydney Single Women Homelessness, Accommodation and Support Service.

This service focuses on single women over 18 years of age, without accompanying children, who are homeless, or are at risk of homelessness. The target client groups being women experiencing domestic and family violence, mental health issues, substance misuse issues, and those exiting custody or mental health facilities.

South Western Sydney Homelessness Response Service for People from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds.

The service focuses on assertive outreach and early intervention support for people from culturally diverse backgrounds who are located primarily in the Liverpool and Fairfield local government areas. The priority client groups being single women experiencing domestic and family violence, who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness.

We provide these services

Intervention & Support

Early intervention and outreach support – working collaboratively with other services to prevent women at risk from becoming homeless


Advocacy on behalf of women at risk, and facilitating access to appropriate services such as domestic violence counselling and support, community mental health services, financial, legal, family support and mediation services

Case Management

Intensive case management services within a holistic, person centred framework to women who may have multiple and highly complex needs

Rapid Rehousing

Supporting and assessing women to be rapidly rehoused if they become homeless, through working with the broader homelessness service system, and with local real estate agents and housing providers to facilitate access to long term suitable accommodation

Transitional Housing

Providing women with safe, short to medium term accommodation with case management support, and assistance to access safe and affordable longer term housing options

Short Term Accommodation

Short term accommodation in a residential setting with case management and support in response to an immediate crisis


The Women's Housing Company Homelessness Support Services provide support to single women who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. We have a strong focus on women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and Aboriginal women.

Clients supported by the service may be experiencing or have a history of domestic and family violence, sexual assault, mental illness, substance abuse, exiting custody or other institutional settings, precarious immigration status, poverty or housing affordability stress.

The service can provide practical assistance, such as basic furnishings, white goods and essential household items.

Our experienced Case Managers can provide support aimed at addressing complex and diverse needs with a flexible and individualised approach.

Links with supports in the community are encouraged and facilitated, utilising our strong partnerships and networks with key service providers across South Western Sydney. The strengths-based model of our case management builds capacity for women to live independently and to participate in their communities.

The Women's Housing Company Homelessness Support Services operates a four bed crisis accommodation centre in the Liverpool area.

The service also offers access to transitional supported accommodation in the Liverpool, Fairfield and Bankstown areas. The Women's Housing Company Housing Services team and other community housing providers manage the transitional housing.

Women may contact the Women's Housing Company Homelessness Support Services directly to make a self-referral, or may be referred by another organisation.

Our Case Managers will seek to understand the current situation to assess suitability for the service. Initial assessments can be conducted by telephone and more comprehensive assessments are conducted through face-to-face meetings.

Get in touch

The Women's Housing Company Homelessness Support Services operate weekdays 9.00am – 4.30pm.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Torres Strait Islander flag
Aboriginal Flag
The Women’s Housing Company acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which we operate, and pays respect to Elders both past and present.
© 2023 Womans Housing Company. All rights reserved.


Group of Diverse Women